Kevin Griffin is the bestselling author of One Breath at a Time: Buddhism and the Twelve Steps and several other books bridging dharma and recovery. A co-founder of the Buddhist Recovery Network, he is a leader in the mindful recovery movement and a sought after speaker and teacher. He offers retreats, workshops, and public talks internationally. He was trained and teaches regularly at Spirit Rock Meditation Center, the West Coast’s leading Buddhist retreat center.
He has been featured in such Buddhist publications as Tricycle Magazine and Inquiring Mind, the Journal of Vipassana Meditation. He has appeared on Krista Tippett’s public radio show, “Speaking of Faith” (now “On Being”), and been a guest on many popular podcasts.
Kevin is steeped in the early Buddhist teachings of the Theravadan tradition. His book Living Kindness: Buddhist Teachings for a Troubled Mind is a deeply personal exploration of the Buddha’s discourses on loving-kindness and compassion through the suttas of the Pali Canon.
Currently he is mentoring students from all over the world in Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach’s Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program, sponsored by Sounds True.
Kevin helped develop and implement the curriculum of Mindful Schools, a program for bringing mindfulness practices to elementary schools. He has worked with researchers at UC San Francisco developing a mindful eating protocol.
Interview Topics:
- Connections between Buddhism and the 12 Steps
- Powerlessness
- Higher Power
- Inventory
- Amends
- Prayer
- Spiritual Awakening
- Buddhist recovery movement
- History/founding
- Leading voices
- Mindfulness meditation
- Pali Canon
- Buddhist Suttas
- Thai Forest Tradition
- Theravadan Buddhism
- Loving-kindness and compassion meditations
- Insight Meditation
Home page: www.kevingriffin.net
Spirit Rock Meditation Center www.spiritrock.org
Buddhist Recovery Network www.buddhistrecovery.org
Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program https://mmtcp.soundstrue.com/
Contact: Kevgriffin23@gmail.com