Kripalu Intensive Dharma and Recovery Retreat

Dharma and Recovery Intensive Meditation Retreat
December 11-16, 2016
With Kevin Griffin and Sydney Faith Rose
Register Here.
The Buddha said craving is the cause of suffering. Twelve Step programs work with the deepest forms of craving – our addictions. How can these traditions work together?

Twelve Step programs recommend meditation as a tool for recovery but offer little instruction. This retreat will give you the opportunity to go deeply into the silence of meditation in a safe, supportive environment.

Using mindfulness meditation, mindful dialog, and lecture, the retreat will explore the ways that the Dharma and recovery complement each other. All recovery programs and paths are welcome. It’s not necessary to be a member of a 12 Step program.

Mornings will devoted to silent practice and instruction, while the afternoon will include a period of structured interactive exercises. Each evening there will be an open “meeting.” Participants will also have an opportunity to meet with the teachers in small group interviews.

The emphasis will be on bringing mindfulness to all our activities, whether in formal meditation, walking, speaking, listening, or eating.

During this special Kripalu contemplative week participants will practice Noble Silence outside of the interactive exercises and discussion periods. All meals will be held in silence.