Buddhism/12 Steps Intensive Retreat

12th Annual
Buddhism and the Twelve Steps

A five-day intensive meditation retreat
Kevin Griffin

With Greg Pergament teaching Chi Kung

October 13-18, 2015

Vajrapani Institute
Boulder Creek, CA

Join us for a unique meditation retreat combining traditional Buddhist practices with Twelve Step work. Using silent insight meditation, interactive exercises, lecture, discussion, and meetings, the retreat will explore ways that Buddhism and the Steps can complement each other.

The emphasis will be on bringing mindfulness to all our activities, whether in formal meditation, movement, speaking, listening, or eating. Participants will practice Noble Silence outside of the interactive exercises and 12-Step-style meetings.

A minimum of 30 days clean and sober is required for attendance.

Kevin Griffin is the author of four books on Buddhism and recovery, including One Breath at a Time and his recent Recovering Joy: A Mindful Life after Addiction. He is a leader of the mindful recovery movement and one of the founders of the Buddhist Recovery Network. A longtime Buddhist practitioner and Twelve Step participant, he teaches internationally on the synthesis of these two traditions. His website is www.kevingriffin.net.

Greg Pergament (Chi Kung teacher, manager, and registrar), is the author of Chi Kung and Recovery. Greg has been in recovery for over two decades and has studied and taught Chi Kung and Tai Chi Chuan for many years. He has an extensive background in Buddhist Vipassana meditation, is a firetender for Lakota Inipi ceremonies, and has helped facilitate many Vision Quests.

$460 includes vegetarian meals and dorm-style room.
Camping is also available for a slightly lower rate.
A small number of single rooms and cabins are also available.

Teacher and retreat manager/registrar may be offered donations for their efforts at the end of the retreat. They receive no other financial compensation.

For registration and information contact Greg Pergament

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