Dana Supporting the Teachings

“Dana” is Pali (the language of the early Buddhist scriptures) for generosity. Traditionally lay people supported the monastics with dana. This allowed the teachings to be freely accessible to everyone, regardless of finances. Today, lay teachers like me try to carry on the spirit of this tradition in various ways. Many of my retreats and classes are offered for dana, while some centers charge a fee or sliding scale.

My online classes are being offered as Dana–that is, my act of generosity to the community. If you want to support me in that work, you can do so in these ways:

Venmo: @Kevin-Griffin-65 (if needed, the last four digits of my phone number are 8076)

Paypal: kevgriffin2@comcast.net or @KevinGriffinDana (PayPalMe)

Zelle: kevgriffin23@gmail.com

I am grateful for any offerings you can make.

With metta,
